Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Which is sexier? A suit or a tool-belt?

This week I’ve had three dudes in tool-belts replacing the roof of our house, while I’ve hidden inside my office with the shade drawn shamelessly eavesdropping on their conversations. Mostly what comes out of their mouths ends or begins with a four letter word, but these are authentic Kiwi blokes and their good natured heckling of each other is entertaining, to say the least. These are the type of guys to call a spade a spade, but will take their boots off before coming into the house and politely address me as ma’am (which I hate cos it makes me feel like an octogenarian).

There’s something sexy about a man in faded blue jeans with a tool-belt slung around his hips – well, I think so anyway. And the only thing sexier than one guy with a tool-belt is a crew of them! On a recent episode of Grey’s Anatomy (yes, I’m an addict) Derek had his co-workers and friends show up to pound nails into his deck – a real guy way of dealing with tension and suppressed emotion! As an aside, while in the middle of watching this episode I sat bolt upright in bed (freaked my poor husband out) and said, “Blast! I have to change my hero’s scene with his best mate, they’re waaay too chatty about their feelings!” Once I’d made the appropriate notes I was glued to the screen again watching Derek and Owen, replete with tool-belts, operate power-saws and slam nails into wood planks.

These are the type of heroes I find hot.  Ordinary guys (okay, Patrick Dempsey and Kevin McKidd are not ordinary) but their characters are. Yeah, they’re surgeons, but they’re not surgeons who swan around the hospital in dark suits and perfectly knotted ties. They’re guys who are more comfortable, more themselves, in jeans and a tee-shirt, just hammering nails and drinking a few beers with their buddies. Real guys. The kind of guys I like to read about, and write about.

So…guys wearing a suit and tie, or guys wearing a toolbelt? Which do you prefer?


What I’m reading this week: Breakfast in Bed – Robin Kaye. Sexy Italian hero, plus quirky heroine and the cutest three legged Bengal cat called Tripod (who totally steals the limelight). Love it.

What I’m watching this week: Miranda. A British sitcom starring Miranda Hart. One of the funniest sitcoms I’ve seen in ages. And Tom Ellis as Miranda’s love interest ain’t too hard on the eye either…

This week’s favorite quote: Women speak because they wish to speak, whereas a man speaks only when driven to speech by something outside himself - like, for instance, he can't find any clean socks.  ~Jean Kerr, The Snake Has All the Lines, 1960

Hot guy of the week: Patrick Dempsey & his tool belt. Courtesy of ABC 7.


  1. Definitely a guy wearing a tool belt :)

  2. I'm with you there, Julieann - just wish my roofer dudes looked a little more like Patrick Dempsey in one... :-)
